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Journals [1] Hafner, Elisabeth D., et al. “Automated avalanche mapping from SPOT 6/7 satellite imagery with deep learning: results, evaluation, potential and limitations.” The Cryosphere 16.9 (2022): […]

Terrain Navigation

Navigating in steep terrain with a fixed wing vehicle is challenging due to the constrained dynamics of the vehicle. Fixed wing vehicles are limited with […]

Near Infrared Mapping

In the AVALMAPPER project, we aim to use NIR imagery for mapping alpine areas. Previous work hasshown that the NIR spectrum is the best choice […]

Active Terrain Mapping

Map reconstruction from camera imaging systems generally relies on features to build a 3Drepresentation of points in the imaged domain. There are multiple factors that […]

Autonomous Avalanche Detection

For AVALMAPPER, one of the most important metrics for data quality is to ensure that data is collected from potential avalanche release areas (PRAs). While […]